41xELITE,20 x BEST,26xGOOD,
Breeders' Proud, Best Galopp Horse, Super Galopp Horse of MHC, Galopp Horse of MTC, 2nd Derby Horse in Belmont Park, Legszebb Júliusi Ló, Most Beautiful July Horse, Legszebb Alapszín jegyű ló, Winner Appearance Thoroughbred,The One AlbinoThoroughbred Horse, Good Horse on White Turf 2010, MLK CHAMPION, Legjobb Galoppló in Monarchi Kupa I., The most Wonderful Thoroughbred Horse, Very Good Albino Horse, Better Galopp Horse in Albino Category of Salvador,Silver Winner, CB Galoppló, Champio, Favourite of summer; Participant the HORSE Centre, Good; Good Rare Horse in Rare Horses Big Chance; 1st in Rare colour Category, BETTER horse in Here The Summer Race, Csodás küllem ló az Itt a nyáár versenysorozatban, The Nice One Appearance Horse in Appearance with Colours, Most Beautiful Horse, 2nd Placed of Appearance Series III. Station, Good, Perfect Horse of jRock Appearance, MDI Champion, Good, Nice Horse on Mares' Appearance, Amazing Mare, 3rd Placed in 4. Group, Beauty, Good Horse on II. Run to Dawn Appearance, Good Horse of English Thoroughbred Category, 3rd Placed in RTD, Nice, Nice in Russian Ballet, 3rd in Jekatyerina Makszimova Category in Russian Ballet in Salyza LK., galoppp horse a thunder ranch race Thoroughbred Appearance&Galopp, Nice Horse in Cheval maison, 3rd in Inital Appearance, Beautiful -kat neve- Kategory,Overall Winner,1st in Micimacko Appearance in ALTA,1st:Lightning FC Galopp*Középtáv*,Favoryte Lightning,Winner of Best Dog Movies Appearance,1st in Best Dog Movies Appearance, A legjobb ló a Thunder Napokon,Első helyezett a Thunder Napokon, Abszolút Győztese a Thunder Napoknak, Best, Best in WLE, 1st in IV. Harry Potter Appearance, Absolute Winner in „Fontaine-In Your Eye”, Best in „Fontaine-In Your Eye, The Best Gepárd Category Horse in TSM, BEST, Beautiful Mare, Overall Winner, 1st in I. Horse Appearance in Alta, Best, Best in WLE, 1ts in Winter Appearance, The coldest Horse, Best, Best in WLE, Első az I. Születésnapi Küllemen, BEST, Beautiful Horse, Overall Winner, 1st in Appearance in Alta, BEST, Beautiful Horse Eye, Overall Winner, 1st in VI. Alta Appearance in Alta, Winner Champion in Kuroshitsuji Appearance, 1st in Kuroshitsuji Appearance Sebastian & Ciel Kategory, Hollywood Park Night Elite Horse, 1st of Nightwish Appearance,Whis I Had an Angel, 1st in Christmas Cake Appearance, Winner of Christmas Cake Appearance, Winner in mascarpone category, Nice Horse in Flower Tee in M'sM, Wonderful appearance of the horseat MyLife, Wonderful English Thoroughbred in MyLife, Fabulous Horse, Wonderful Mare, Elite Beautiful gallop horse,2nd placed in 'Páros versenysorozat - küllem' from Synline, Nice 'albino' horse,3rd placed in Mare Cup from Synline, Appropriate appearance horse,2nd placed in Mare Cup from Synline, Good gallop horse,Best appearance/jumper/dressage/gallop horse in Lot Cup, Lucky horse,First in the race of honor imnobilus.gp Don Revision,First in Don Revision,Great Horse in Waiting for winter appearance,Nice Horse in CloverSands,Outstanding Horse in CloverSands,Absolute Winner In I. Okinawa Derby,Best in Okinawa,1st in I. Okinawa Derby,1st Placed Horse in I am a Princess? of course,LIFE-STYLE CHAMPION GOOD Mare in Stable III.Helyezett Lovaknak:Nice - Minősítés Nice horse in the London Apparance. - Minősítés 3.helyezetteknek+GOOD+GOOD HORSE IN 7 MONTH APPEARANCE 1.helyezetteknek:+ELITE +ELITE HORSE IN 7 MONTH APPEARANCE 1 hely:New Year Apperance 1 hely:Adults Apperance 3.helyezetteknek:+GOOD+GOOD ló a Garfield /küllem,díjugratás,díjlovaglás,western,galopp,egyéb/ versenyen.3.helyezetteknek:+GOOD+GOOD ló a Garfield /küllem,díjugratás,díjlovaglás,western,galopp,egyéb/ versenyen. negyedik/ötödik hely [csak galopp]+ 4th | 5th Placed of 'Game, Set, Match' Cup 3.hely:- GOOD- 3rd Placed Horse in III. Step by Step Galopp- Good Galopp Horse in III. Step by Step GaloppNyeremények1.: ELITE1st of Opening Appearance 2.hely:-BEST- 2nd Placed Horse in Competition Around The World- Best Horse in Rome/Paris/Dublin/London/Brussels/Amsterdam Category 2.hely:-BEST- 2nd Placed Horse in Competition Around The World- Best Horse in Rome/Paris/Dublin/London/Brussels/Amsterdam Category -NICE horse in Okinawa *színkategóriás küllemverseny *kat**-NICE in Okinawa -NICE horse in Okinawa Galopp with Plan *kat*-NICE horse in Okinawa III.Helyezett Lovaknak:Nice - MinősítésNice horse in the London Apparance. - Minősítés 3.hely:3rd placed of Nation's Cup3.hely:3rd placed of Nation's Cup +ELITE+1. helyezést ért el a Színkategóriás küllemversenyen.Nice, 3rd on Galopp for Everybody - GOOD- 3rd Placed Horse in Who Has The Most Interesting Name?3.hely:- GOOD- 3rd Placed Horse in Swedish Appearance,3.hely:- GOOD- 3rd Placed Horse in Swedish Appearance ELITE, BESTBeautiful Horse of Color Star Appearance 1st of Color Star Appearance Participant in Reopen Cup 5 hely: reopen cup 5 hely:Participant in Calvario 1. hely ELITE 1st Placed of Balaton Appearance Best Horse in EILK 1. hely:+ ELITE+ ELITE Horse in Special Coloured Appearance 1. helyezetteknek ELITE Elite Thoroughbred in Gallop/Appearace Category 1st placed on Fight of Thoroughbreds GOODGood Thoroughbred in Gallop/Appearance Category4th/5th/6th placed on Fight of Thoroughbreds 2.helyezetteknek"Cheval rapide 2. hely EXCELLENT 2nd Placed of Muffin or IceCream Appearance Better Horse in Muffin or IceCream Appearance 2.helyezetteknek"Beau Cheval 1. helyezetteknek ElITE Winner of Sunshine Appearance 1st placed on Sunshine Appearance 3 hely:-NICE in Windmill Moving Appearance *kategória*-NICE Moving Appearance *kategória*4-5 hely:-NICE horse in Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion *kategória*-NICE Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion *kategória*4-5 hely:-NICE horse in Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion *kategória*-NICE Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion *kategória*Különdíj:-SPECIAL horse in Okinawa Thoroughbred Champion *kategória* 2. hely:+ GOOD+ Good in Okinawa+ 2nd in II. Style Appearance 3. hely:+ NICE+ Nice in Okinawa+ 3rd in II. Style Appearance

Összesen: 100 db eredmény

41 db
- I. Ticket Horse Küllemverseny | Alapszín kategória /alomlovarda95.gp/
- XXVII. Téli küllem | július hónap kat. /shagyarab.gp/
- II. Ticket Horse Küllemverseny|alapszín kategória /alomlovarda95.gp/
- Szirén Színkategóriás Küllem | fekete /loversenyek-neked.5mp.eu/
- Monarchia Kupa I. | "C" /shagyarab.gp/
- I. Spring Horse Appearance | kanca /Helyi verseny/
- Summer Welcoming | Ny-től T-ig /horse-center.gp/
- Thoroughbred Appearance&Galopp | Una Lola /horserumble.gp/
- Micimackó Appearance | Füles /lownit.gp/
- Lightning Galopp | Középtáv /hollywood-park.gp/
- Best Dog Movies Appearance | Fluke /the-racehorse.gp/
- Thunder Napok | Küllem, kanca /horserumble.gp/ *abszolút győztes
- IV. Harry Potter Appearance | Tonks /oldim.gp/
- In your Eye Küllemverseny | Kancák /fontenlp.gp/ *abszolút győztes
- Safari Appearance | Gepárd /csillusssh.gp/
- Christmas Appearance | Fenyőfadísz /lownit.gp/
- Winter Appearance | Hóangyal /oldim.gp/
- I. Születésnapi Küllem | Kancák /oldim.gp/
- Alta Lovasközpont Appearance | - /lownit.gp/
- VI. Alta Appearance | - /lownit.gp/
- Kuroshitsuji Appearance | Sebastian & Ciel /honeybee-stakes.gp/
- Nightwish Appearance | /honeybee-stakes.gp/
- Christmas Cake Appearance | Mascarpone /horserumble.gp/
- Thoroughbred Appearance | Kancák /mylife2.gp/ *abszolút győztes
- Joint Appearance | Angol telivér /mylife2.gp/
- Telivérek küzdelme | Galopp /cheval-maison.gp/
- Lot Cup | galopp | horseyy.gp.hu
- Don Revision | Küllem | imnobilus.gp.hu
- Okinawa Derby | Galopp | okinawa-lovasfarm.gp *abszolút győztes
- I am a Princess? of crouse | Küllem | life-style.gp
- Adulst Apperance
- New Year Appearance
- 7 month Appearance
- Parailai Park Opening Cup
- Színkategóriás küllemverseny
- Colour Appearance
- Balaton Appearance
- Special Coloured
- Fight of Thoroughbreds (küllem)
- Sunshine Appearance

20 db
- Galopp Cup in the Belmont Park | 2000m /lonevelok.gp/
- Breeders' Cup | BC FILLY AND MARE TURF /santa-anita.gp/
- Világ Küröli Galopp verseny | 2000m /les-charmesde-rubrat.gp/
- Big Distance Mare Race /magnumcentrum.gp/
- Színkategóriás Galopp Cup | egyéb /lonevelok.gp/
- CB Galopp Race | rövidtáv, kanca /copakabanana.gp/
- Here the Summer | Színkategóriás Külllem, egyéb /szilaj-lonevelde.gp/
- Appearance Series III. Station | Verseny előtt /english-tc.gp/
- Rock Appearance | Miyavi /mangue-de-italiano.gp
- Mének, Kancák és Csikók versenye | Kancák /momentumlk.gp/
- Tea Appearance | Virág tea /avlp.gp/
- Páros Küllem | Albinó | horseyy.gp.hu
- Mare Cup | Galopp /horseyy.gp.hu
- Style Apparance II I küllem /okinawa.gp/
- Stable Best | küllem skinsfarm.gp
- Around The World Cup
- Színkategóriás Küllemverseny
- Muffin or Icecream appearance
- Cheval De Course Galopp
- Cheval De Course Grass Appearance

26 db
- New Year Race | Neue Jahre Futam - 1800m /shagyarab.gp/
- White Turf | Winter Victory Race /ponyisland.gp/
- Rare Horses Big Chance | Ritka szín /horsandel.gp/
- Appearance with Colours | egyéb /horsandel.gp/
- Mare's Appearance | 4. csoport /dreamfoal.gp/
- II. Run to Dawn Appearance | Angol telivér /dreamfoal.gp
- Russian Ballet, Jekatyerina Makszimova /salyza.gp/
- Inital Appearance | Egyéb lovak /cheval-maison.gp/
- Mare cup | Küllem /horseyy.gp.hu
- 1 st Clover Appearnace | kanca | cloversands.gp.hu
- Style Apparance II I galopp /okinawa.gp
- Nice horse in the London Apparance. - Minősítés
- 7 month Appearance
- 7 month Appearance
- Garfield Appearance
- Garfield Appearance
- Step by Stepp Galopp
- Galopp With Plan
- London Appearance
- Nation's Appearance
- Nation's Appearance
- Galopp For Everybody
- Who has to the intresting Name
-Swedish Apperance (külem)
-Swedish Apperance (galopp)
-Moving Appearance

11 db
- Living the Dream Tiszteletverseny | Kancák /alomlovarda95.gp (4. hely)
- Waiting for winter appearance | Kancák | imoonlight.gp.hu (4. hely)
- I. Fajkategóriás Küllem | Angol telivér | cloversans.gp.hu (4. hely)
- Game,Set Mach Cup (4hely)
- Reopen Cup(részvétel)
- Reopen Cup ( 5hely:)
- Calvario Küllem ( 5 hely)
- Fight of thoroughbreds (galopp, 4 hely)
- Fight of thoroughbreds /okinawa/
- Fight of thoroughbreds /okinawa/
- Fight of thoroughbreds /okinawa/