Pony's Meeting
2014.02.07. 22:09
- Küllem kategória
1.hely: Perfect Shape, Esperanto, Messire Ardent, Golden Stardust, Fairytale Sensity, Louvre, Midas, Flying Falon, Delirium de Luxe, Metaxa de Luxe, Mayhard Blues, Paradise Echo, Make a Memory, Morbid Memories
2.hely: Shake that Cream, Faline Van Frutti, Silent Devil, Steiermark, Apperly High, Musical Lux, Vanill, Nocturne Paillette, Ecuardo, Platon, Got The Rail, Sister of Grace
3.hely: Enchante Vie, Bavarottia C, Romancello, Plüsi, Misticana Lady, PN Behind Blue Eyes, Hugo
- Díjlovaglás kategória
1.hely: Crimson Thunder, Bad Reigion, Messire Ardent, Golden Stardust, Enchante Vie, Delirium de Luxe, Metaxa de Luxe, Mayhard Blues, Troublemaker, Morbid Angel
2.hely: Glowing L, Amor, Silent Devil, Bavarottia C, Wind Song, Apperly High, Oursin Blueberry, Got The Rail, Paradise Echo, Vegas Lihts
3.hely: Shake that Cream, Fairytale Sensity, Hot Chocolate Chip, Musical Lux, Lucifer, Raffaello, Misticana Lady, Platon, Sparrow's Owen, Hugo
- Díjugratás kategória
1.hely: Crimson Thunder, Sparrow's Owen, Muffin, I Write Sins, Not Tragedies
2.hely: Perfect Shape, Sir Lancelot
3.hely: Glowing L, Amor, Hot Chocolate Chip, Grey Star
The Best Pony, 30.000 ft
Better Pony, 20.000 ft
Good Pony, 10.000 ft