II.Mc'Donalds Appearance
2011.05.07. 13:10
- sültkrumpli {sárga lovak-ide a májsárgák is}
1.hely: Disney Hilde,Hey Now,Magical Island,Strawberry,Noir,Bonanza Bonsai,Random Moment
2.hely: Doubletaire,Amarillo Rose,Dawn a Vienna,Cookies,Carrot,Minnesota,PN Choke n' Die,Give Me A Kiss,Freedom Shadow
3.hely: Peanut Butter,Pierre de Coubertin,Star Time,Imparable Colada,Rosaile in Twilight
- cola {pej lovak-ide a sötétpejek is}
1.hely: Royal Flake,Golden Moon,Bloody SuicidemVisconti de Warum,Souvenir Son,Cypriano,Defesnor,Lord Rebel,Crucified Death,Mambo
2.hely: Don Juan,Amanico de Deux,Forest Secret,Sonic X,Quidam,GR Graffiti,Roy of Paradise,Bling Bring,Beautiful Capella
3.hely: Burgerstrots Bajonet,Pandora Hearts,Very Special,Big Face,Sheeny Friend,Dangerous and Moving,Celtic Princess
- hamburger {fekete lovak-ide a nyárifeketék is}
1.hely: Painted Black II.,Gentle Sangre,GR Grammar
2.hely: Rosario Rodrigo,Fatal Symptom,Enchanted,Black Beauty
3.hely: Blood Bound,Provider Amor,Lemondre,Brilliant Marble,
- nuggets {szürke lovak-ide a deresek is}
1.hely: Affair,Galeno Guido,Hurricane Song C
2.hely: Sevilla's Dream,Casillas,Miss Sandy Song Lady
3.hely: Bounty Eye,White Angel,Wonderland's Dream,Psyche
- szószok {egyéb színű lovak-ide a tarkák,palominok stb}
1.hely: Going Crazy,Perfect Candy,The Copper Titan,Colorful Fallen,Frederíco el Espanole
2.hely: Whipped Cream Z,Rue des Rosiers,Requeim for a Dream,Starry Snacker
3.hely: Elwyn Hartley,Hope of Full,Desire Forever,Allegro MN,PN Moritano,Cisco
Best Mc'Donalds Horse
1st on Mc'Donals Appearance II.
30.000 ft
Good Mc'Donalds Horse
2nd on Mc'Donals Appearance II.
20.000 ft
Nice Mc'Donalds Horse
3rd on Mc'Donals Appearance II.
10.000 ft